Melting Cheese Corn that is really FRESH MADE is available at PUMA SERA RESTAURANT 24 HOURS What are you waiting for, let's go to PUMA ...

Sharing the Popular Food hunted by foodies in Miri City and its neighbourhood. Enjoy!
Melting Cheese Corn that is really FRESH MADE is available at PUMA SERA RESTAURANT 24 HOURS What are you waiting for, let's go to PUMA ...
Pandan Agar Agar Mooncake Whether it’s good or not, it’s not what I said. Customers eat it and then buy it again. It’s not too sweet and tas...
Lunch delivery starts from Monday to Friday to accept reservations~ Please follow us on Facebook Page Search in FB for Crispin's Food ...
Happy Garden Cafe Krokop. Laksa 好吃。 krokop 10 Happy Garden. Shared by Andy Hamilton Wong.
They're really serious about creating sushi. Sashimi is the finest freshness and so many possibilities. I enjoy the bento salmon. So del...