西蛤Fried Kueh Tiaw at Miri city food court@阿伟炒煮挡 Shared by Yip Siew Fan.

Sharing the Popular Food hunted by foodies in Miri City and its neighbourhood. Enjoy!
西蛤Fried Kueh Tiaw at Miri city food court@阿伟炒煮挡 Shared by Yip Siew Fan.
那咔滋咔滋的声响,边吃边觉得心情好。仅售一零吉。permyjaya home designer旁. Only Rm1 at Hamid Sahabat Cafe. Shared by Wee Boon Ying.
百吃不厌,来美里必吃!28 food court. 超多人的! Opposite imperial mall. RM6 normal. RM8 special Shared by Gnim Gnuhc.
Previous Ah Tao near boulevard. The most juicy duck in town at 龙门客栈. Shared Kit Wee.
素的生煎包。不错吃,里面陷料多,最重要有我爱的咸菜在里面,位于小二茶室 小二茶室里面的人间素食档位,星期五、六和星期日还有卖素寿司,素扒、素余扒和蘑菇汤哦. Shared by Alice Ngu.
The cafe next to a carwash, nearby boulevard roundabout Curry Rice ~ 咖喱饭(富丽华龙门客栈) 一级棒 Shared by Irene Chia
好好吃的扒 RM11.00 (Chicken Chop) 店名:Kiong BBQ-Frankie Coner 地址:Permaisuri mall对面,kaya toast同排角头间,以前的鸿华烧腊。 营业时间 5.30pm-12am Shared by Lil...
刚刚也点了这个,鱿鱼豆腐卜,酱料和花生碎有够多的,好吃 Shared by Wee Boon Ying.
朱把5号路,bbq猪三辰肉和鸡翅膀 好吃 2.30pm start. Shared by Seen Liew
好好吃的甜点,特爱他的烤牛油面包,香脆可口,孩子们大爱!就在ZenQ Shared by Lee Mei Hwa
Rm9.90 pizza and Rm1.50 chicken in town , where to find ? Located below Residence 21, near Apollo Hotel Miri. Shared by Seng Ha...
Oyster cracker-RM 30 Cheesy baked prawn-RM48 BEEF NACHOS- RM16 Cheese stick-RM 20 Only at Hangover Bistro Miri. Shared by Crizz Waiwai
在boulevard 一带。.hongleong bank 隔邻. Bouleverd Commercial Centre Miri. Shared by Grace Lai.
Draught Station at Tanjong Lobang area Miri. Shared by Eleanor
福州风味小食鼎邊糊 VS 鼎邊挫 第一次在美里史纳町住家里卖的超好吃。有黑木耳、肉碎碗、肉丸和鱿鱼丝。年轻厨手烹调非常老练!想吃需趁早,十点多就卖完喔!在L5611,J Sena 1.Senadin Miri。营业时间6pm-11pm Andy Tan photo.
牛杂面Rm9.80 at Kah Hiong Ngiu Chap Lutong Miri. Near New World Mart Miri. Karen Sung photo.
龙门客栈 的滑蛋河, 真的不错吃。 Shared by YH Lee
Yam & Prawn Cake with ice Kacang Cendol Campur found at 金纱 Pelita ABC & Rojak. Housing area next to Maybank Pelita branch Miri. Alwa...
Heng Heng Bak Kut Teh 興興肉骨茶 Lot 2043 - 2044, Jalan MS1/2, Marina Square 1, Marina Packcity, Miri, Sarawak. Handphone : ...
Jalan Boulevard 3, Boulevard Commercial Centre, 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
Address: ZenQ Desserts Galleria Miri Bintang Megamall, Lot G45A, Ground Floor, Bintang Megamall, 98000 Miri. Business Hour: 11:30am – ...
ZenQ Desserts JCT Food Sdn Bhd Lot 2575, Ground Floor, Jalan Boulevard 38, 98000 Miri, Sarawak
Recent discovery of the first 炭火锅 Charcoal Steamboat restaurant in Miri found at (MOOKATA THAI BBQ STEAMBOAT). Rm28 per head. Open daily at ...
Sea Village Seafood Restaurant Miri is located in the Miri City Centre Point II. Since 2005 so far, it has won praise, known far and wide fo...
海外天海鲜楼 SEA VILLAGE SEAFOOD RESTAURANT Lot 1433, Centre Point II, 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6 016-886 9430 / +6 ...
GST COMING??? DONT WORRY. very famous NARA KOREAN BBQ is giving 20% discounts to StudentHero Discount card (学生优惠卡) ! HOOYAHHHHHH. located ...