Wednesday 10 August 2016

Tasty and Healthy Low-Sugar Puff Pastry 養生低糖酥皮月 is now available in restaurant of Miri City.

Those who are interested, please visit:
  • 清祥素食館(Boulevard Miri)
  • 福鄉閣(Permy Miri)

1. 桂圓鳳梨 Pineapple Longan

2. 無糖蓮蓉 Lotus Seed (No sucrose)

3.棒果拿鐵 Hazelnut Latte

4. 香蘭白玉 Pandan Mango

5.黑鳳凰 Black Sesame with Cheese

6. 藥膳枸杞 Goji Berry

 7. 客家擂茶 Hakka Luis Cha

8. 海藻猴菌 Seaweed

9. 日本紫薯 Japanese Purple Potato

10. 羅漢棗泥 Luo Han Guo Red Dates

11. 桂花飄香 Hong Kong Style Osmanthus

12. 養生果皇 Multigrain